


11 2928 7676




11 2928 7676

On 12/29/2002, it started heating the oven at Mizu’s factory in Pacatuba, in the state of Sergipe.
Fruit of the entrepreneurial spirit of Polimix shareholders and of the pioneering spirit of Brazilian engineers, the first cement factory designed 100% in Brazil came out of the paper.
At that time, little was said about China and, in a bold strategy, we bought the main equipment in this country, with technology similar to that of European countries, and which over time proved to have excellent performance.
As our Business Philosophy is centered on human beings and on valuing local labor, most of the plant’s members were hired in cities close to the project and remain at the unit to this day.
At the time, they were young people who had just finished high school, who were intensively trained and now occupy leadership positions.
The factory’s natural wear and tear, which was accelerated by the sea air after 18 years of operation, forced us to carry out a complete revitalization and modernization of the unit, which included:
– construction and renovation of warehouses, conveyor belts and administrative office;
– services for revitalization and general maintenance of silos, grinding, clinkerization, gas conditioning and cooler;
– overhaul and general adjustments of the entire electrical part.
With a new face, Pacatuba restarts its activities this month.
A fresh start to serve our customers in the region even better.

Revitalization of Pacatuba Score: 5 / 5 (3votes)
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Mizu Manaus - AM
Rua Rio Jaguarão, 658 - Vila Buriti. - Manaus - AM
+55 (92) 4003-9824 | +55 (92) 98452-3750
Centro de Distribuição Eunápolis - BA
Avenida David Jonas Fadini, 680 – Stela Reis- Eunápolis - BA
+55 (73) 3281-1365 | +55 (73) 99820-1365
Mizu Vitória - ES
Estrada do Complexo Siderúrgico de Tubarão, 6000 – Parque Industrial – Vitória – ES
+55 (27) 3348-6600 | +55 (27) 99745-5769
Mizu Matozinhos - MG
Rodovia MG 424 – km 24,5 – Lote 08 – Quadra 01 – s/n – Distrito Industria - Matozinhos - MG
+55 (31) 3712-9650 | +55 (31) 99839-9413
Centro de Distribuição Governador Valadares - MG
Rua Sinval Leite, 210. Nova Vila Bretas - Governador Valadares - MG
+55 (33) 3221-4525 | +55 (33) 99989-1609
Centro de Distribuição Pesqueira - PE
BR 232, km 14 Bairro Vila Anapolis - Pesqueira - PE
+55 (87) 9117-5207 | +55 (87) 99203-2796
Centro de Distribuição Picos - PI
Avenida Senador Helvídio Nunes - Junco - Picos - PI
+55 (89) 2101-1155 | +55 (86) 99446-3853
Mizu Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Estrada do Pedregoso, 3412 Distrito industrial - Campo Grande - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
+55 (21) 3031-8316 | +55 (21) 99557-2993
Centro de Distribuição Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ
Estrada do Açúcar, 1075. Donana - Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ
+55 (22) 2722-5072 | +55 (22) 2722-7234 | +55 (22) 99955-7121
Centro de Distribuição Cabo Frio - RJ
Rod RJ 140 km 04 s/n Campo Redondo - São Pedro da Aldeia - RJ
+55 (22) 2621-3611 | +55 (22) 2621-6703 | +55 (22) 99968-9348
Mizu Baraúna - RN
Estrada do Velame, S/N Km 06 – Zona Rural – Baraúna – RN
+55 (84) 4003-9826 | +55 (84) 99423-0203 | 0800 880 1090
Mizu Pacatuba - SE
Rodovia João Batista de Melo - SE 204, S/N - KM 6,5 Pacatuba - SE
+55 (79) 4003 0444 | +55 (79) 99864-7080
Centro de Distribuição Aracaju - SE
Rua João, S/N, Parque dos Faróis - Nossa Senhora do Socorro
+55 (79) 3142-0199 | +55 (79) 99824-8337
Mizu Mogi das Cruzes - SP
Estrada Engenheiro Abílio Gondin Pereira 3500 - 1,9 Km Taboão - Mogi das Cruzes - SP
+55 (11) 4791-5900 | +55 (11) 94222-2460
Centro de Distribuição Santana de Parnaíba - SP
Estrada dos Romeiros, km36,5 - s/n Germano - Santana de Parnaiba - SP
11 97477-9601
Matriz – Apoio e Educação
Av. Constran, 132 - Vila Engenho Novo. Barueri - SP
(11) 2928-7676
Centro de Distribuição Santarem - PA
Av. Amazonas, 52 - Prainha, Santarém - PA
+55 (93) 3191-0428
Centro de Distribuição Inhaúma - RJ
Rua Ministro Moreira de Abreu 590, Olaria – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
+55 (21) 99560-5170 | +55 (21) 98381-0052
Mizu Fortaleza - CE
Rod. BR-222 – S/N KM 32 Parte B – Primavera – Caucaia – CE
+55 (85) 4003-4669
Centro de Distribuição Porto Velho - RO
Rua Antônio Lacerda, 4298 - Industrial, Porto Velho - RO
Centro de Distribuição Macaíba - RN
BR-304 - Distrito Industrial, Macaíba - RN, 59280-000
84 3190-1751 | 84 93500-0151
Mizu Ananindeua - PA
Retorno St. H, 1690 - Distrito Industrial, Ananindeua - PA, 67013
+55 (91) 4042-5870